This non-invasive treatment is fully customizable and is a great solution to a wide variety of skin concerns. This treatment is safe and painless, allowing patients to achieve optimal results on an accelerated basis without the complications and discomfort usually associated with invasive procedures. In addition, DiamondGlow™ is unique because it does not use crystals or other abrasive particles that can irritate the skin.
A DiamondGlow™ Facial can treat the face and neck as well as around the eyes and lips. This is a safe, gentle treatment that can provide skin rejuvenation in just one treatment. Most people can benefit from a DiamondGlow™ Facial. The best way to know if you are a good candidate is by speaking with an expert at MDSkin Bar.
This procedure can be used on any skin type. It helps patients to get younger, healthier skin in just one treatment. There is no downtime with a DiamondGlow™ Facial. You are free to put on makeup and go about your normal day immediately afterward.
Your journey begins with a personalized blueprint that serves as a comprehensive, long-term plan to feeling & looking your best. A patient interview establishes aesthetic concerns and sets individual goals. Each plan then includes a daily skincare regimen and monthly, quarterly, and annual recommendations for more advanced treatments.